Use Online Scout Manager to track badge progress and update personal details.
Cubs opens a world of excitement for 8 to 10½-year-olds, introducing them to thrilling activities, new friends, and wonderful adventures
Our Cub pack gathers weekly for engaging, adventurous activities, embracing outdoor adventures like camping, river racing, hammock setup, den building, and moonlit hikes.
As a Cub, your child will actively learn practical skills such as cooking, fire-making, and first aid. Beyond these, they'll gain confidence and happiness, preparing them for life's varied challenges. This hands-on experience offers both Cubs and their guardians a chance to grow and develop invaluable life skills.

We work towards the Chief Scout's Silver award
Our Cubs strive for the Chief Scout's Silver Award, achieving this through challenge awards and activity badges. Being a Scout means embracing new experiences and personal growth from day one, earning various badges at your own pace. By the time you transition from the Cub pack to the Scout troop, you'll have a sweater full of badges!
The Chief Scout's Silver Award, the highest for Cub Scouts, is attained by completing seven challenge awards and six activity badges. These challenges push Cubs out of their comfort zones, encouraging them to try new activities and take leadership roles, both within the group and the broader community.
We provide extensive support, organizing events and activities to help Cubs earn badges and face a personal challenge as they conclude their Cub journey. We also recognize their efforts outside of our sessions, with numerous badges available to showcase their everyday achievements and hobbies.
For a full list of available activity badges for Cubs, visit the Scouts website.

How old are Cub Scouts?
Cubs typically range from 8 to 10½ years old, but we offer flexibility within Scouts guidelines. Young people as young as 7½ may join if ready, and we'll discuss this with you upon joining.
Transitioning to Scouts is also flexible, often coordinated with friendship groups in Cubs. We accommodate up to age 11 for those who need it.
For children under 7½, consider joining Beavers or adding them to our Cubs New Member Waiting List.

Joining our Cubs is an excellent start to your child's Scouting adventure. Our group excels at engaging young members, with many starting as Beavers and progressing to Explorer Scouts.
Cubs is inclusive, and we adapt to ensure everyone can participate. If you have concerns about accessibility, please contact us for a discussion. Being proactive helps us work together to provide the best Scouting experience for your child.
To join, simply register on our new members waiting list. Once your child is old enough and space is available, we'll invite you both to the first session.