1st Benson Scouts
Welcome to the 1st Benson Scout Group website! Here, you'll find the latest updates on our exciting activities, valuable resources, including essential information for parents, members, and volunteers.
The 1st Benson Scouts, with its rich 100-year history, is a treasured asset in the village of Benson, that has shaped the lives of thousands of boys and girls, and inspired many to remarkable successes.
Explore our Sections
6 - 8 years old
Thursday, 17:30 - 18:30
Discover the world of Beaver Scouts, our youngest group! They meet weekly for a variety of activities including games, crafts, singing, and outdoor adventures. Our Beavers experience the joy of camps/sleepovers, often their first adventure away from home. Adhering to Scout Association policies, our colony facilitates up to 24 members, dependent on our hall space and available leaders. For outdoor/overnight events, we ensure a safe & fun experience with a minimum adult-to-Beaver ratio of 1:6, plus leader.
8 - 10.5 years old
Thursday, 18:45 - 20:00
Join the dynamic Cub Scout Pack, where up to 36 young explorers, divided into small groups called Sixes, embark on interesting and challenging adventures. Our Cubs engage in a blend of activities, with a strong emphasis on outdoor experiences and learning. Highlighting their year are camps and holidays, creating unforgettable memories. In line with safety and enjoyment, our outdoor and overnight activities maintain a minimum adult-to-Cub ratio of 1:8, plus the leader, ensuring every adventure is a safe and enriching one.
10.5 - 14 years old
Monday, 19:00 - 20:30
Explore our Scout Troop, comprising small Patrols of six to eight Scouts, each led by a Patrol Leader. While we accommodate up to 20 Scouts, respecting our hall's capacity and leader availability, our focus is on outdoor activities like camping and cooking. Scouts develop essential life skills through activities like map reading and first aid. Our leaders nurture maturity and independence, preparing Scouts for thrilling experiences like rock climbing and international adventures, all while ensuring safety and fun.

Subs: £35/term.
Barclays Sort Code: 20-45-45.
Account number: 63585905.
Reference: Child's Name.
Wait List: Approximately 2 years.
Jump Wait List: Expedite entry of your children by volunteering as an Assistant/Leader (~2 hrs/week).
Joining Information
Scouting welcomes both boys and girls at all levels. Typically, children join our Beaver Colony at age 6 and progress through the sections as they grow. We also welcome older children to join any section suitable for their age, subject to available space.
Our group sizes for Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts are determined by the Scout Association's guidelines, considering the number of leaders and the hall's capacity and suitability. Currently, all sections are at full capacity, and we operate a waiting list.
Priority for joining any section, including Beavers, is given in this order:
Those moving up from one of our sections as part of Scouting's regular progression.
Children of Warranted Leaders or Adult Helpers joining a new section.
Youngsters relocating to our area who were part of a recognised Scouting Group elsewhere.
We face challenges with hall capacity and leader availability. The solutions—expanding our hall and increasing our leaders and helpers—are ongoing efforts.

Group Headquarters
25 Littleworth Road, Benson, OX10 6LY.
GPS: 51.622627, -1.111266
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